FuzzYard Poop Bags - Compostible


Pick Up In-store
Pakenham VIC

Australia Wide

When your dog does its brown bits, you need to do your bit and bin it, right? Well, now you can do it with our Eco-friendly BPI-Certified Compostable Poop Bags! (Whooo... but what does that mean?!) Well, it means that these bags are made from a blend of BPAT and vegetable starches. That means they meet the ASTM D6400 and EN13432 standards for compostability. AND THAT MEANS... these bags break down within 90 days in commercial compost and 180 days in domestic compost conditions leaving no harmful residues behind. Yay Team Environment! So go forth and pick up your dogs 'Hazardogs waste' in style and with the environment's best interest at heart... awwww.

Each pack contains:

4 rolls of 15 bags = 60 bags in total!

8 Rolls Per Box = 120 bags!